Supported Versions: Windows 10, Windows 11
Uploading Your Project
The latest version of the OmniStream Standalone Windows uploader can be downloaded from
Project Requirements
All Windows applications are compatible with OmniStream, but there are a few requirements for the application to stream successfully to the web browser:
- Run in windowed mode.
- Not resize the application window internally.
- Respond to external window resize requests.
These requirements are to ensure the user in the browser has the experience they are expecting. If your application requires a certain screen resolution/aspect ration to run correctly then this can be enforced via webpage that displays the stream (either through iframe or native integration).
Project Setup
Once the standalone Windows OmniStream application has been downloaded you can use it to upload your application without needing to integrate a ZeroLight plugin.
Launch the OmniStream Windows Application from the plugins folder, then select your built application to zip and upload.
- Select your Portal asset in the browser page that opens.
- Select the "Project Folder" and "Project Binary".
- [Optional] Add any command line arguments that should be passed to your application when it launches.
- Click "Build and Deploy to OmniStream".
- Go to Portal to deploy your uploaded build.
Only mouse and keyboard events works with the standalone Windows application, it is recommended to use the Unreal or Unity plugins for more advanced integration options.
Next Steps
Now you've deployed your first application you're ready to test connecting from the Test page, send somebody a link/iframe into your website using the Viewer App or do a native integration into your website.