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Getting started with libZL and React.


As well as providing the vanilla LibZL library, also available is a React wrapper that brings with it various shortcuts and utils for those using the popular UI framework.

npm install @zerolight-core/libzl @zerolight-core/libzl-react --save

The demo below assumes the following items have already been imported:

import LibZL from "@zerolight-core/libzl";
import { ZLBolt,
StreamConnectionState} from "@zerolight-core/libzl-react";


The libzl-react library includes various ready made hooks which makes it easy to write neat components with minimal local state management. The demo below uses useZLBoltStreamState to provide a button to connect/disconnect. We will re-use this for further demos later.

Basic connection example

Here the options structure is injected for you into defaultDemoOptions, but see here for example config, or here for more details.

Live Editor
ConnectionWidget = () => {
	const streamState	= useZLBoltStreamState();
	const zlbolt 		= useZLBolt();
	const options		= useZLBoltOptions();

	switch (streamState) {
		case StreamConnectionState.Ready:
			return <button onClick={() => zlbolt.disconnect()}>Disconnect</button>;
		case StreamConnectionState.ConnectionError:
			return <button onClick={() => zlbolt.connect(options)}>Retry</button>;
		case StreamConnectionState.Disconnected:
			return <button onClick={() => zlbolt.connect(options)}>Click to connect</button>;
		case StreamConnectionState.Connecting:
			return <button disabled>Connecting...</button>;

const StreamDemo = () => {
	// libZL doesn't support SSR
	if (useIsBrowser()){

		const zlbolt = new LibZL().zlbolt("palettedocs");
		return (<ZLBolt zlbolt={zlbolt} options={defaultDemoOptions}>	

	return (<div>Unsupported</div>);


We're using the connect widget here to stop the demo from spamming the service during editing, but in your application, you can connect automatically by adding a connect attribute to the ZLBolt object like this:

<ZLBolt zlbolt={zlbolt} options={defaultDemoOptions} connect>

Try it above to see how ZLBolt then automatically connects.


Provisioning for this demo is light so there may be some delays getting a stream.