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LibZL Options



01. Rendering Session

Section: Rendering Session


Connection parameters are used for resolving the connection with rendering services.


Domain name used for connection with rendering services.


AWS region name used for connection with rendering services. Example: 'eu-west-1'.


List of regions for finding the best available service in closest region. Example: [{name: 'eu-west-1'}].


Network protocol used for connection with rendering services.


Customer name used for connection with rendering services.


Server environment used for connection with rendering services.


Server cluster name used for connection with rendering services.


When disabled, short circuit region probing upon first successful response.


Server cluster name used for connection with rendering services.


Custom "user session" information.

[regionServiceURL]string"{@see desc}"

[Default=] URL of external service where regions are defined


Enable external service for finding available regions


Authentication token for protected server environments


Restrict streaming connection to a particular viewer instance by tag




[Deprecated] Fixed CAS address (it will replace connectionParameters used for service discovery)


Fixed CAS address


Fixed Metadata API endpoint address


[Deprecated] Network protocol used for connection with rendering services. Please use connectionParameters.protocol instead

[localControl]boolean | stringfalse

Enable connection to the "Local Viewer" (on localhost)


Use remote CAS for "Local Viewer" connection


Skip using ports for "Local Viewer" connection

[directConnect]boolean | objectfalse

Connect to the Viewer directly by specified address


Viewer direct connection config


Use SSL for Viewer direct connection


Prevent rendering


Prevent connecting to the stream


Reconnect automatically in case of network issues


Model (car) configuration


Model (car) manufacturer parameter


Model (car) model parameter


Model (car) year parameter


[Deprecated] Use previously stored clientID in localStorage for any future reconnect and connect methods

02. View

Section: View


Initial resolution of stream and viewport


Resolution width


Resolution height


[Deprecated] Show HTML button for downloading current frame

03. Scaling Config

Configuration of adjustments based on the the stream element's viewport.

Section: View > Scaling Config


Configuration of adjustments based on the stream element's viewport


Enable "autoscaling" (resizing video and wrapper to the parent's size)


Block resize messages on active stream


Whether to force exact resolution, or choose one that fits the viewport


Set overflow style for wrapper (trim/overflow) video tag


Additional scaling profile rules


Default scaling profile name (user defined in 'scalingConfig.profiles')


3D mode user defined configuration @see qualitySettings3D


User-defined profiles configuration @see profiles

04. Markup

Section: View > Markup


Custom class name for video HTML element


ID for custom primary HTML element (wrapper).


Setup size of the viewport (streamContainer) @see resolution


Show loading screen for pending operations


Show loading indicator in 2D

05. Render Environment

Section: View > Render > Environment


Setup the stream environment by name


Validate environment switching


Settings for environment switches


Colour to use for fades at switch time, formatted as hex encoded RGB colour (#RRGGBB)


If specified, will be called on switch to override fade colour

06. Render Model

Section: View > Render > Model


Setup initial "PR Codes" (comma separated)


Setup Animation States


Setup steering angle for the car wheels


Steering configuration


Maximum extent of steering angle for car wheels


Setup certEffects @see certEffects


[Deprecated] Setup level of detail for model


Mapping for potentially incorrect "PR Codes"

07. Render Camera

Section: View > Render > Camera


Setup Camera by name


Setup list of named cameras for the gallery


Setup posRotFov @see posRotFov


Mapping for potentially incorrect cameras


Camera sequence to trigger when 3D stream is available


Add config for camera sequence (if enabled) @see cameraSequenceConfig


Use http to send camera information to the viewer instead of web sockets


Inherit zoom from current camera to new camera (camera names is defined)


Control camera change during move event. Available options: 'auto', 'forced', 'manual'

08. Modes

Section: Modes


Ordered list of predefined modes (2D, 3D) to request for the rendering session


[Deprecated] Use modes instead


Rich Data Stream Config


Whether to enable RDS in 2DOD. Needed for 2D interaction nodes


Enable events listeners (cameraChange, prcodesChange, environmentChange, animationsChanged) which are triggered after their completion

09. Modes Adaptation

Section: Modes > Adaptation


Configuration when switching modes


The type of transition to perform (e.g. fadeout) when switching mode


Controls which bandwidth assessment to perform


Allow upgrade from 2D mode to 3D automatically


Force bandwidth test and upgrade if option.allow3DUpgrade is enabled


Skip bandwidth test related with upgrading to 3D from 2D


Config for fixed bandwidth test


Enable constant bandwidth test result


Fixed bandwidth test results


Fixed ping test result


Fixed download speed test result


Switch to 2D on 3D stream creation error


Switch to 2D on 3D stream disconnection error


Enable overlay screen used for inactivity of user


Disconnect stream after time of user inactivity


Apply last frame image to viewport after idle disconnect


Switch mode to 2D after time of inactivity


Setup for downgrade after time of inactivity


Initial time window after idle monitoring starts


Timeout value to use for the initial time period


Timeout to use after initial time window ends


Parameters for determining whether 3D upgrade can occur


Parameters for the CAS test for 3D upgrades


Download speed (in MB/s) below which 3D upgrade won't occur


Ping above which 3D upgrade won't occur


Parameters for the bandwidth test for 3D upgrades


Download speed (in b/s) below which 3D upgrade won't occur


Ping above which 3D upgrade won't occur

10. Modes - 3D

Section: Modes > 3D


Include hidden (cropped) barcode in 3D video stream


Include hidden (cropped) barcode in 3D video stream


Monitor frames bitrate to reconnect automatically in case of incorrect FPS (FPS=0)


Send custom settings to the Viewer


Output method settings


WebRTC output settings

[onDemand3DConfig.outputMethodSettings.WebRTCStreamOutput.codecPriority]Array.<string>['h264', 'vp9', 'vp8']

Priority list of preferred 3D outputs.


Stream quality minimum bitrate offer for WebRTC


Stream quality maximum bitrate offer for WebRTC


Stream quality default bitrate offer for WebRTC


Enable audio for 3D Video stream


Number of retries for reconnecting WebSocket connection on WebSocket"close" event


Trigger method every time when video.onpause event is detected


Set 3D stream mode - interactive (default) or noninteractive


Interaction nodes config


The positional bounds for which interaction nodes are considered visible

[interactionNodesConfig.viewportBounds.x]Array.<number>[0.1, 0.9]

"x" params

[interactionNodesConfig.viewportBounds.y]Array.<number>[0.05, 0.95]

"y" params


The threshold for the occlusion for which nodes are considered visible


[Deprecated] Send user controllers event to Viewer control


[Deprecated] "click" event


[Deprecated] "mouseMove" event


[Deprecated] "mouseUp" event


[Deprecated] "mouseDown" event


[Deprecated] "mouseOver" event


[Deprecated] "mouseOut" event


[Deprecated] "wheel" event

11. Modes - 2D

Section: Modes > 2D


Use frameRequests to debug bandwidth and frames viability


Checking "quality" of returned frames (e.g. file size)


Enable user interaction - move 360 deg around the car


Enable Cache (CDN) as primary source for frames


2D frameConfig schema version


Add timing information in image json metadata file


era Config TODO












batch strategy ["interleaved", "nearest"]


"On demand" 2D config


Control requests for frame batches. If true request serial, if false a parallel


If one frame in a batch is not found in CDN assume rest will be not found as well


Show progress bar for requested and pending frames in 2D


Affects the speed of rotation in 2D fallback mode


Set background colour for requested frames. Transparent backgrounds so you only see the car (using e.g. #00000000). Arbitrary solid colour backgrounds for static images on the website (e.g. using #00FF00FF on an environment like WhiteStudio)


Specify frame requests into rail after model config change


Load all frames in the rail


Load all frames in the rail after move


Load all frames in the rail after camera change


Load all frames in the rail after "moveStream" method


Load all frames in the rail after "moveCamera" method


[Deprecated???] List of named cameras to fetch an initial frames immediately


Per-car list of named cameras to fetch an initial frames immediately


Predefined render quality of images (one of: Fast, Good, Better, Best or Custom)


Config for image render quality when "renderQuality" is set as "Custom"


Custom MSAA value (1-8)


Custom SSAA value (1-8)


Automatically set version on frame jobs to a timestamp, preventing using cached images


[Deprecated] Use 'onDemand2DConfig.renderQuality' @see renderQuality


[Deprecated] Use 'onDemand2DConfig.renderQuality' @see renderQuality


[Deprecated] Use 'onDemand2DConfig.renderQuality' @see renderQuality


[Deprecated] Use 'onDemand2DConfig.renderQuality' @see renderQuality


[Deprecated] Move to another container pre-cached images while using method "moveStream"




[Deprecated] Enable SmartCache















12. User Controllers

Section: User Activity > Controllers


Prevent all generation in 2D


Invert direction of moving camera by mouse ctrl


Invert direction of moving camera by touch ctrl


The normalised zoom level to apply when scroll (0-1).


Prevent default user controller events - scroll


Prevent default user controller events - click


Prevent default user controller events - down & up


Prevent default user controller events - touch & move


Mouse controller behaviour


Enable Mouse controller


Set frequency of mouse event polling




Controls how fast can camera move depends on current zoom level

[mouseTracking.scale.interior]Array.<number>[15, 25]

Camera speed for interior

[mouseTracking.scale.exterior]Array.<number>[35, 35]

Camera speed for exterior


Enables multitouch controls such as two finger zoom on a touchpad


Enables zooming via scroll wheel


Keyboard controller behaviour


Enable Keyboard controller


Set frequency of keyboard event polling


Experimental camera movement for "shark camera"


Enable camera movement for "shark camera"

13. Utils

Section: Utils


Enable CloudMine tracking


Parameter send to CloudMine


Parameter send to CloudMine




Additional logging settings


Enable "verboseLogging" logging


Enable "dumpTranslatedCodes" logging


Enable "logCodesThatDuplicatePrefix" logging


Enable "logCodeSorting" logging


Enable "logTranslatedCodes" logging


Enable "logAlreadyTranslatedCodes" logging


Enable "logProcessedFrames" logging


Enable "logCodeChangeDifferences" logging


Enable "verboseTranslation" logging


Enable "logPrCodeChanges" logging


Enable "logBaseURLs" logging


Enable "quietD2DTimeoutWarnings" logging

cameraSequenceConfig :object



Whether to allow the user to drag camera and stop sequence early


Whether to fade when stopping transition, by default


The fade colour to use for interrupted sequences, as a hex encoded RGB string (#RRGGBB)


Whether to allow using the rich data for sequence start/end events

posRotFov :object

posRotFov - desc


position x coordinate


position y coordinate


position z coordinate


rotation x coordinate


rotation y coordinate


rotation z coordinate


field of view

profiles :object

"default" profile for scalingConfig - desc


"default" scaling profile


2D profile definition


Bounds config


Minimum size for the stream's bounds


Maximum size for the stream's bounds. If not set default values will be taken from resolution option. @see resolution


The scaling mode to apply. The possible values are 'fit', 'fill', and 'zoom'

[default.2D.permittedSizes]string"[[view.resolution.x, view.resolution.y]]"

A list of permitted sizes of the stream's resolution


3D profile definition


Bounds config


Minimum size for the stream's bounds


Maximum size for the stream's bounds. If not set default values will be taken from resolution option. @see resolution


The scaling mode to apply. The possible values are 'fit', 'fill', and 'zoom'


Configuration of the stream's resolution limits


Minimum size for the stream's resolution


Maximum size for the stream's resolution. If not set default values will be taken from resolution option. @see resolution

qualitySettings3D :object

scalingConfig allowed options


Specify 'default' option to mark config as default


Custom display name


Maximum resolution allowed for this quality setting


Minimum resolution allowed for this quality setting


3D output methods allowed for this quality setting