LibZL Options
01. Rendering Session
Section: Rendering Session
Param | Type | Default | Description |
[connectionParameter] | object | {} | Connection parameters are used for resolving the connection with rendering services. |
[connectionParameters.mainDomain] | string | "" | Domain name used for connection with rendering services. |
[connectionParameters.region] | string | "''" | AWS region name used for connection with rendering services. Example: 'eu-west-1'. |
[connectionParameters.regions] | Array.<object> | [] | List of regions for finding the best available service in closest region. Example: [{name: 'eu-west-1'}]. |
[connectionParameters.protocol] | string | "https" | Network protocol used for connection with rendering services. |
[connectionParameters.customer] | string | Customer name used for connection with rendering services. | |
[connectionParameters.environment] | string | "stage" | Server environment used for connection with rendering services. |
[connectionParameters.forceCluster] | string | "''" | Server cluster name used for connection with rendering services. |
[connectionParameters.awaitAllRegions] | boolean | false | When disabled, short circuit region probing upon first successful response. |
[connectionParameters.allowedDomains] | Array.<string> | [] | Server cluster name used for connection with rendering services. |
[additionalFilterInformation] | object | {} | Custom "user session" information. |
[regionServiceURL] | string | "{@see desc}" | [Default=] URL of external service where regions are defined |
[useRegionService] | boolean | true | Enable external service for finding available regions |
[token] | string | "''" | Authentication token for protected server environments |
[reservedInstanceTag] | string | "''" | Restrict streaming connection to a particular viewer instance by tag |
[overrides] | object | {} | [Deprecated] |
[overrides.casURL] | string | "''" | [Deprecated] Fixed CAS address (it will replace connectionParameters used for service discovery) |
[casURL] | string | "''" | Fixed CAS address |
[overrideMetadataEndpoint] | string | "''" | Fixed Metadata API endpoint address |
[protocol] | string | "https" | [Deprecated] Network protocol used for connection with rendering services. Please use |
[localControl] | boolean | string | false | Enable connection to the "Local Viewer" (on localhost) |
[localControlWithCAS] | boolean | false | Use remote CAS for "Local Viewer" connection |
[localControlWithoutPorts] | boolean | false | Skip using ports for "Local Viewer" connection |
[directConnect] | boolean | object | false | Connect to the Viewer directly by specified address |
[directConnectConfig] | object | {} | Viewer direct connection config |
[directConnectConfig.useSSL] | object | false | Use SSL for Viewer direct connection |
[noRender] | boolean | false | Prevent rendering |
[noStream] | boolean | false | Prevent connecting to the stream |
[allowContinuousReconnectAttempts] | boolean | false | Reconnect automatically in case of network issues |
[car] | object | {} | Model (car) configuration |
[car.manufacturer] | string | "''" | Model (car) manufacturer parameter |
[car.model] | string | "''" | Model (car) model parameter |
[car.year] | string | "''" | Model (car) year parameter |
[allowLocalStorageReconnect] | boolean | false | [Deprecated] Use previously stored clientID in localStorage for any future reconnect and connect methods |
02. View
Section: View
Param | Type | Default | Description |
[resolution] | object | {} | Initial resolution of stream and viewport |
[resolution.x] | number | 640 | Resolution width |
[resolution.y] | number | 360 | Resolution height |
[showDownloadButton] | boolean | false | [Deprecated] Show HTML button for downloading current frame |
03. Scaling Config
Configuration of adjustments based on the the stream element's viewport.
Section: View > Scaling Config
Param | Type | Default | Description |
[scalingConfig] | object | {} | Configuration of adjustments based on the stream element's viewport |
[scalingConfig.autoScale] | boolean | false | Enable "autoscaling" (resizing video and wrapper to the parent's size) |
[scalingConfig.update3DOutputResolution] | boolean | false | Block |
[scalingConfig.useExact3DOutputResolution] | boolean | false | Whether to force exact resolution, or choose one that fits the viewport |
[scalingConfig.showOverflow] | boolean | false | Set overflow style for wrapper (trim/overflow) video tag |
[scalingConfig.profileSwitchingRules] | object | {} | Additional scaling profile rules |
[scalingConfig.profileSwitchingRules.default] | object | '' | Default scaling profile name (user defined in 'scalingConfig.profiles') |
[scalingConfig.qualitySettings3D] | object | null | 3D mode user defined configuration @see qualitySettings3D |
[scalingConfig.profiles] | object | {profiles} | User-defined profiles configuration @see profiles |
04. Markup
Section: View > Markup
Param | Type | Default | Description |
[streamClass] | string | "''" | Custom class name for video HTML element |
[parent] | string | "''" | ID for custom primary HTML element (wrapper). |
[viewportSize] | object | {resolution} | Setup size of the viewport (streamContainer) @see resolution |
[loadingScreen] | boolean | false | Show loading screen for pending operations |
[enable2DLoadingIndicator] | boolean | false | Show loading indicator in 2D |
05. Render Environment
Section: View > Render > Environment
Param | Type | Default | Description |
[setupEnvironment] | string | "null" | Setup the stream environment by name |
[validateEnvironmentSwitching] | boolean | true | Validate environment switching |
[environmentSwitchingConfig] | object | {} | Settings for environment switches |
[environmentSwitchingConfig.fadeColour] | string | "#000000" | Colour to use for fades at switch time, formatted as hex encoded RGB colour (#RRGGBB) |
[environmentSwitchingConfig.overridesFunc] | function | null | If specified, will be called on switch to override fade colour |
06. Render Model
Section: View > Render > Model
Param | Type | Default | Description |
[setupPrCodes] | string | "''" | Setup initial "PR Codes" (comma separated) |
[AnimStates] | object | null | Setup Animation States |
[setupSteerAngle] | number | null | Setup steering angle for the car wheels |
[steeringConfig] | object | {} | Steering configuration |
[steeringConfig.extent] | number | 25 | Maximum extent of steering angle for car wheels |
[setupCertEffects] | array | null | Setup certEffects @see certEffects |
[targetlod] | number | null | [Deprecated] Setup level of detail for model |
[disableCodeTranslation] | number | null | Mapping for potentially incorrect "PR Codes" |
07. Render Camera
Section: View > Render > Camera
Param | Type | Default | Description |
[setupCamera] | string | "''" | Setup Camera by name |
[setupGalleryCameras] | Array.<string> | [] | Setup list of named cameras for the gallery |
[posRotFov] | object | null | Setup posRotFov @see posRotFov |
[disableCameraRemapping] | boolean | false | Mapping for potentially incorrect cameras |
[cameraSequenceIntro] | boolean | false | Camera sequence to trigger when 3D stream is available |
[cameraSequenceConfig] | object | {cameraSequenceCfg} | Add config for camera sequence (if enabled) @see cameraSequenceConfig |
[useLegacyCameraControl] | boolean | false | Use http to send camera information to the viewer instead of web sockets |
[inheritFromLastCameraOverrides] | array | [] | Inherit zoom from current camera to new camera (camera names is defined) |
[movableCameraBehaviour] | string | "auto" | Control camera change during move event. Available options: 'auto', 'forced', 'manual' |
08. Modes
Section: Modes
Param | Type | Default | Description |
[modes] | Array.<string> | ['3D'] | Ordered list of predefined modes (2D, 3D) to request for the rendering session |
mode | string | [Deprecated] Use | |
[richDataStreamConfig] | object | {} | Rich Data Stream Config |
[richDataStreamConfig.enable2DODSupport] | boolean | false | Whether to enable RDS in 2DOD. Needed for 2D interaction nodes |
[richDataStreamConfig.enableCompletionEvents] | boolean | false | Enable events listeners (cameraChange, prcodesChange, environmentChange, animationsChanged) which are triggered after their completion |
09. Modes Adaptation
Section: Modes > Adaptation
Param | Type | Default | Description |
[modeSwitchConfig] | object | {} | Configuration when switching modes |
[modeSwitchConfig.transitionType] | string | "fadeout" | The type of transition to perform (e.g. fadeout) when switching mode |
[useAdvancedBandwidthAssess] | boolean | false | Controls which bandwidth assessment to perform |
[allow3DUpgrade] | boolean | true | Allow upgrade from 2D mode to 3D automatically |
[forceUpgradeViabilityCheck] | boolean | false | Force bandwidth test and upgrade if |
[denyUpgradeViabilityCheck] | boolean | false | Skip bandwidth test related with upgrading to 3D from 2D |
[dummyBandwidthAssess] | object | {} | Config for fixed bandwidth test |
[dummyBandwidthAssess.enabled] | boolean | false | Enable constant bandwidth test result |
[dummyBandwidthAssess.result] | object | {} | Fixed bandwidth test results |
[] | number | 1 | Fixed ping test result |
[dummyBandwidthAssess.result.downloadSpeed] | number | 999000000 | Fixed download speed test result |
[allow2DFallback] | boolean | true | Switch to 2D on 3D stream creation error |
[allow2DFallbackFatal] | boolean | false | Switch to 2D on 3D stream disconnection error |
[idleOverlay] | boolean | false | Enable overlay screen used for inactivity of user |
[idleDisconnect] | number | 3600000 | Disconnect stream after time of user inactivity |
[keepLastFrameOnIdleDisconnect] | boolean | true | Apply last frame image to viewport after idle disconnect |
[idleDowngrade] | number | -1 | Switch mode to 2D after time of inactivity |
[idleConfig] | object | {} | Setup for downgrade after time of inactivity |
[idleConfig.initialWindow] | number | 10000 | Initial time window after idle monitoring starts |
[idleConfig.initialTimeout] | number | 5000 | Timeout value to use for the initial time period |
[idleConfig.extendedTimeout] | number | 30000 | Timeout to use after initial time window ends |
[upgradeViabilityThresholds] | object | Parameters for determining whether 3D upgrade can occur | |
[upgradeViabilityThresholds.CAS] | object | Parameters for the CAS test for 3D upgrades | |
[] | number | Download speed (in MB/s) below which 3D upgrade won't occur | |
[] | number | Ping above which 3D upgrade won't occur | |
[upgradeViabilityThresholds.bandwidthTest] | object | Parameters for the bandwidth test for 3D upgrades | |
[] | number | Download speed (in b/s) below which 3D upgrade won't occur | |
[] | number | Ping above which 3D upgrade won't occur |
10. Modes - 3D
Section: Modes > 3D
Param | Type | Default | Description |
[frameMetadataConfig] | object | {} | |
[frameMetadataConfig.enabled] | boolean | false | Include hidden (cropped) barcode in 3D video stream |
[onDemand3DConfig] | object | {} | Include hidden (cropped) barcode in 3D video stream |
[onDemand3DConfig.monitorFrameRate] | boolean | false | Monitor frames bitrate to reconnect automatically in case of incorrect FPS (FPS=0) |
[onDemand3DConfig.streamSettings] | object | {} | Send custom settings to the Viewer |
[onDemand3DConfig.outputMethodSettings] | object | {} | Output method settings |
[onDemand3DConfig.outputMethodSettings.WebRTCStreamOutput] | object | {} | WebRTC output settings |
[onDemand3DConfig.outputMethodSettings.WebRTCStreamOutput.codecPriority] | Array.<string> | ['h264', 'vp9', 'vp8'] | Priority list of preferred 3D outputs. |
[onDemand3DConfig.outputMethodSettings.WebRTCStreamOutput.minBitrate] | number | 1500 | Stream quality minimum bitrate offer for WebRTC |
[onDemand3DConfig.outputMethodSettings.WebRTCStreamOutput.maxBitrate] | number | 7000 | Stream quality maximum bitrate offer for WebRTC |
[onDemand3DConfig.outputMethodSettings.WebRTCStreamOutput.startBitrate] | number | 3500 | Stream quality default bitrate offer for WebRTC |
[onDemand3DConfig.outputMethodSettings.WebRTCStreamOutput.enableAudio] | boolean | false | Enable audio for 3D Video stream |
[onDemand3DConfig.streamConnectionMaxRetries] | number | 10 | Number of retries for reconnecting WebSocket connection on WebSocket"close" event |
[onDemand3DConfig.autoResumePausedVideo] | boolean | true | Trigger method every time when video.onpause event is detected |
[pluginStreamMode] | string | "interactive" | Set 3D stream mode - interactive (default) or noninteractive |
[interactionNodesConfig] | object | {} | Interaction nodes config |
[interactionNodesConfig.viewportBounds] | object | {} | The positional bounds for which interaction nodes are considered visible |
[interactionNodesConfig.viewportBounds.x] | Array.<number> | [0.1, 0.9] | "x" params |
[interactionNodesConfig.viewportBounds.y] | Array.<number> | [0.05, 0.95] | "y" params |
[interactionNodesConfig.occlusionThreshold] | number | 0.1 | The threshold for the occlusion for which nodes are considered visible |
[mouseEventPassthrough] | object | {} | [Deprecated] Send user controllers event to Viewer control |
[] | boolean | false | [Deprecated] "click" event |
[mouseEventPassthrough.mouseMove] | boolean | false | [Deprecated] "mouseMove" event |
[mouseEventPassthrough.mouseUp] | boolean | false | [Deprecated] "mouseUp" event |
[mouseEventPassthrough.mouseDown] | boolean | false | [Deprecated] "mouseDown" event |
[mouseEventPassthrough.mouseOver] | boolean | false | [Deprecated] "mouseOver" event |
[mouseEventPassthrough.mouseOut] | boolean | false | [Deprecated] "mouseOut" event |
[mouseEventPassthrough.wheel] | boolean | false | [Deprecated] "wheel" event |
11. Modes - 2D
Section: Modes > 2D
Param | Type | Default | Description |
[assessBandwidth2DOD] | boolean | false | Use frameRequests to debug bandwidth and frames viability |
[detectBadFrames2DOD] | boolean | false | Checking "quality" of returned frames (e.g. file size) |
[allow2D360View] | boolean | true | Enable user interaction - move 360 deg around the car |
[useCDN] | boolean | true | Enable Cache (CDN) as primary source for frames |
[schema2DOD] | number | 2D frameConfig schema version | |
[profile2DOD] | number | true | Add timing information in image json metadata file |
[eraConfig] | object | {} | era Config TODO |
[eraConfig.viewer] | number | 0 | TODO |
[eraConfig.asset] | object | {} | TODO |
[eraConfig.environment] | object | {} | TODO |
[] | object | {} | TODO |
[eraConfig.service] | object | {} | TODO |
[batchStrategyFor2D] | string | "interleaved" | batch strategy ["interleaved", "nearest"] |
[onDemand2DConfig] | object | {} | "On demand" 2D config |
[onDemand2DConfig.chainFrameBatches] | boolean | false | Control requests for frame batches. If true request serial, if false a parallel |
[onDemand2DConfig.shortCircuitRailCDNChecks] | boolean | false | If one frame in a batch is not found in CDN assume rest will be not found as well |
[onDemand2DConfig.showProgressBar] | boolean | true | Show progress bar for requested and pending frames in 2D |
[onDemand2DConfig.rotationScaleFactor] | number | 3 | Affects the speed of rotation in 2D fallback mode |
[onDemand2DConfig.backgroundColour] | string | "``" | Set background colour for requested frames. Transparent backgrounds so you only see the car (using e.g. #00000000). Arbitrary solid colour backgrounds for static images on the website (e.g. using #00FF00FF on an environment like WhiteStudio) |
[onDemand2DConfig.onDemand2D360ViewRules] | object | {} | Specify frame requests into rail after model config change |
[onDemand2DConfig.onDemand2D360ViewRules.loadAuto] | boolean | true | Load all frames in the rail |
[onDemand2DConfig.onDemand2D360ViewRules.loadOnRotation] | boolean | false | Load all frames in the rail after move |
[onDemand2DConfig.onDemand2D360ViewRules.loadOnSwitchCamera] | array | [] | Load all frames in the rail after camera change |
[onDemand2DConfig.onDemand2D360ViewRules.loadOnMoveStream] | array | [] | Load all frames in the rail after "moveStream" method |
[onDemand2DConfig.onDemand2D360ViewRules.loadOnMoveCamera] | boolean | false | Load all frames in the rail after "moveCamera" method |
[onDemand2DConfig.cachedInitialFrames] | object | {} | [Deprecated???] List of named cameras to fetch an initial frames immediately |
[onDemand2DConfig.cachedInitialFrames2] | object | {} | Per-car list of named cameras to fetch an initial frames immediately |
[onDemand2DConfig.renderQuality] | boolean | Fast | Predefined render quality of images (one of: Fast, Good, Better, Best or Custom) |
[onDemand2DConfig.renderHints] | boolean | {} | Config for image render quality when "renderQuality" is set as "Custom" |
[onDemand2DConfig.renderHints.custom_msaa] | number | 2 | Custom MSAA value (1-8) |
[onDemand2DConfig.renderHints.custom_ssaa] | number | 2 | Custom SSAA value (1-8) |
[force2DCacheMiss] | boolean | false | Automatically set version on frame jobs to a timestamp, preventing using cached images |
[onDemand2DConfig.interiorMSAA] | number | 2 | [Deprecated] Use 'onDemand2DConfig.renderQuality' @see renderQuality |
[onDemand2DConfig.interiorSSAA] | boolean |
| [Deprecated] Use 'onDemand2DConfig.renderQuality' @see renderQuality |
[onDemand2DConfig.defaultMSAA] | boolean |
| [Deprecated] Use 'onDemand2DConfig.renderQuality' @see renderQuality |
[onDemand2DConfig.defaultSSAA] | boolean |
| [Deprecated] Use 'onDemand2DConfig.renderQuality' @see renderQuality |
[showCachedImageDuringMove] | boolean | false | [Deprecated] Move to another container pre-cached images while using method "moveStream" |
[smartCache] | object | {} | [Deprecated] |
[smartCache.enabled] | boolean | false | [Deprecated] Enable SmartCache |
[smartCache.autoStart] | boolean | false | [Deprecated] |
[smartCache.chunkSize] | number | 4 | [Deprecated] |
[smartCache.initialDelay] | number | 5000 | [Deprecated] |
[smartCache.interBatchDelay] | number | 2000 | [Deprecated] |
[cacheRules] | array | [] | [Deprecated] |
[disableCodePruning] | boolean | false | [Deprecated] |
[enableDirectReturn2DOD] | boolean | false | [Deprecated] |
12. User Controllers
Section: User Activity > Controllers
Param | Type | Default | Description |
[preventAllGeneration] | boolean | false | Prevent all generation in 2D |
[invertInteriorCameraMouseControls] | boolean | false | Invert direction of moving camera by mouse ctrl |
[invertInteriorCameraTouchControls] | boolean | false | Invert direction of moving camera by touch ctrl |
[zoomModeConfig] | object | {} | |
[zoomModeConfig.zoomValue3D] | number | 0 | The normalised zoom level to apply when scroll (0-1). |
[consumeMouseScrollEvents] | boolean | true | Prevent default user controller events - scroll |
[consumeMouseClickEvents] | boolean | true | Prevent default user controller events - click |
[consumeTouchDownUpEvents] | boolean | true | Prevent default user controller events - down & up |
[consumeTouchMoveEvents] | boolean | true | Prevent default user controller events - touch & move |
[mouseTracking] | object | {} | Mouse controller behaviour |
[mouseTracking.enabled] | boolean | true | Enable Mouse controller |
[mouseTracking.eventFreq] | number | 20 | Set frequency of mouse event polling |
[mouseTracking.threshold] | object | {} | [Deprecated] |
[mouseTracking.scale] | object | {} | Controls how fast can camera move depends on current zoom level |
[mouseTracking.scale.interior] | Array.<number> | [15, 25] | Camera speed for interior |
[mouseTracking.scale.exterior] | Array.<number> | [35, 35] | Camera speed for exterior |
[mouseTracking.enableMultiTouchGestures] | boolean | true | Enables multitouch controls such as two finger zoom on a touchpad |
[mouseTracking.enableScrollZoom] | boolean | true | Enables zooming via scroll wheel |
[keyboardTracking] | object | {} | Keyboard controller behaviour |
[keyboardTracking.enabled] | boolean | true | Enable Keyboard controller |
[keyboardTracking.eventFreq] | number | 100 | Set frequency of keyboard event polling |
[sharkCamConfig] | object | {} | Experimental camera movement for "shark camera" |
[sharkCamConfig.useKeyboardInput] | boolean | true | Enable camera movement for "shark camera" |
13. Utils
Section: Utils
Param | Type | Default | Description |
[cloudmine] | boolean | true | Enable CloudMine tracking |
[clientMarket] | string | "``" | Parameter send to CloudMine |
[clientApplication] | string | "``" | Parameter send to CloudMine |
[clientGroup] | string | "``" | [Deprecated] |
[logging] | object | {} | Additional logging settings |
[logging.verboseLogging] | boolean | false | Enable "verboseLogging" logging |
[logging.dumpTranslatedCodes] | boolean | false | Enable "dumpTranslatedCodes" logging |
[logging.logCodesThatDuplicatePrefix] | boolean | false | Enable "logCodesThatDuplicatePrefix" logging |
[logging.logCodeSorting] | boolean | false | Enable "logCodeSorting" logging |
[logging.logTranslatedCodes] | boolean | false | Enable "logTranslatedCodes" logging |
[logging.logAlreadyTranslatedCodes] | boolean | false | Enable "logAlreadyTranslatedCodes" logging |
[logging.logProcessedFrames] | boolean | false | Enable "logProcessedFrames" logging |
[logging.logCodeChangeDifferences] | boolean | false | Enable "logCodeChangeDifferences" logging |
[logging.verboseTranslation] | boolean | false | Enable "verboseTranslation" logging |
[logging.logPrCodeChanges] | boolean | false | Enable "logPrCodeChanges" logging |
[logging.logBaseURLs] | boolean | false | Enable "logBaseURLs" logging |
[logging.quietD2DTimeoutWarnings] | boolean | false | Enable "quietD2DTimeoutWarnings" logging |
cameraSequenceConfig :object
Param | Type | Default | Description |
[allowUserInterrupt] | boolean | false | Whether to allow the user to drag camera and stop sequence early |
[useFadeTransition] | boolean | false | Whether to fade when stopping transition, by default |
[fadeColour] | string | ""#000000"" | The fade colour to use for interrupted sequences, as a hex encoded RGB string (#RRGGBB) |
[useRichDataStream] | boolean | true | Whether to allow using the rich data for sequence start/end events |
posRotFov :object
posRotFov - desc
Param | Type | Description |
posx | number | position x coordinate |
posy | number | position y coordinate |
posz | number | position z coordinate |
rotx | number | rotation x coordinate |
roty | number | rotation y coordinate |
rotz | number | rotation z coordinate |
fov | number | field of view |
profiles :object
"default" profile for scalingConfig - desc
Param | Type | Default | Description |
default | object | "default" scaling profile | |
default.2D | object | 2D profile definition | |
default.2D.bounds | object | Bounds config | |
[default.2D.bounds.min] | object | [0,0] | Minimum size for the stream's bounds |
[default.2D.bounds.max] | object | [{resolution.x},{resolution.y}] | Maximum size for the stream's bounds. If not set default values will be taken from |
[default.2D.scaleMode] | string | The scaling mode to apply. The possible values are 'fit', 'fill', and 'zoom' | |
[default.2D.permittedSizes] | string | "[[view.resolution.x, view.resolution.y]]" | A list of permitted sizes of the stream's resolution |
default.3D | object | 3D profile definition | |
default.3D.bounds | object | Bounds config | |
[default.3D.bounds.min] | object | [0,0] | Minimum size for the stream's bounds |
[default.3D.bounds.max] | object | [{resolution.x},{resolution.y}] | Maximum size for the stream's bounds. If not set default values will be taken from |
[default.3D.scaleMode] | string | The scaling mode to apply. The possible values are 'fit', 'fill', and 'zoom' | |
[default.3D.streamResolutionBounds] | object | Configuration of the stream's resolution limits | |
[default.3D.streamResolutionBounds.min] | object | [0,0] | Minimum size for the stream's resolution |
[default.3D.streamResolutionBounds.max] | object | [{resolution.x},{resolution.y}] | Maximum size for the stream's resolution. If not set default values will be taken from |
qualitySettings3D :object
scalingConfig allowed options
Param | Type | Default | Description |
[default] | boolean | Specify 'default' option to mark config as default | |
[displayName] | string | "default" | Custom display name |
[maxResolution] | array | [] | Maximum resolution allowed for this quality setting |
[minResolution] | number | [0,0] | Minimum resolution allowed for this quality setting |
[whitelistedOutputMethods] | array | [] | 3D output methods allowed for this quality setting |