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API Reference

Version: 2.2.1



This document details the usage of the SpotLight public API.

Applications Available

  • Gallery – Generate packs of predefined images to support your brand
  • Brochure – Generate high quality personalised PDFs for customers
  • Web – Generate a personalised microsite for your customers from a pre-defined template
  • Video – Generate a video based on a pre-defined sequence template created in the 'Take' application
  • AR Model – Generate a digital twin of your asset for use in AR experiences


The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC2119.

API Fundamentals

The API is available at It follows the JSON API specification.

The API has the following stipulations:

  • All requests MUST use HTTPS, the API is not available over vanilla HTTP
  • All routes MUST provide an authorisation token via the x-access-token header
  • All routes MUST provide a team identifier via an x-team-id header unless explicitly documented as not required for the specific route
  • Users MUST have API permissions on the given team to perform requests
  • All routes are prefixed with /api/external/
  • All Order routes are prefixed with /api/external/orders/
  • All requests and responses MUST use the application/vnd.api+json content type
  • All requests support a charset value of UTF-8. Any other value will be rejected. If charset is omitted, it is assumed to be UTF-8


All routes abide by the JSON API spec, i.e., a response MAY contain a data or errors top level property but will never contain both.

Additionally responses MAY include an OPTIONAL top level meta field. This field, if present, MAY include a non-empty list of warnings. It is recommended that any returned warnings are logged at 'warning' level within the client's application backend. It is the integrators responsibility to monitor these warnings and update their implementation accordingly.

An example of a warning could be advance notice of a deprecation - and has the structure below.

"data": {
"id": "5c6acb07ec045209437f1f01",
"items": [],
"status": "pending",
"timestamp": "2019-02-18T15:11:03.591Z",
"transaction": "5c6acb07ec045209437f1f02"
"meta": {
"warnings": [
"id": "4059118ff2441cec577a07737c1e819e",
"title": "x-team-id missing from request headers",
"detail": "Access to the API endpoint '/external/orders/shutter-packs' without passing an x-team-id will be deprecated after 31-10-2022 and result in a 400 error",
"links": {
"about": ""

Note: Warnings may be issued in addition to Errors.


The following section details the usage of each route and its expected response from requests.


List team memberships

Note: This route is one of the few routes within the API which the header x-team-id is OPTIONAL. As this route used to interrogate which teams are available to the current x-access-token bearer.





Query Parameters


Data Parameters


Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json
x-access-token: <YOUR_TOKEN>

Success Response

  • Code: 200 OK
  • Headers:
    Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json
  • Content:
"data": [
"teamId": "5ea96707dd4089351817c0dd",
"teamOem": "zerolight",
"teamName": "ZeroLight PreLive"
"teamId": "61c0d89eee02c20fed2eefdd",
"teamOem": "zerolight",
"teamName": "ZeroLight Live"

The client application selects one of the teams and passes that team id in subsequent requests using the x-team-id header.

Error Response

If, for example x-access-token is not provided:

  • Code: 401 Unauthorized
  • Headers:
    Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json
  • Content:
"errors": [
"title": "User is not authorised",
"id": "05500c036ef9952365859a849c36e1ca"
"message": "User is not authorised"

Team details

Returns details about the specified team - including a list of assets (cars) available on this team



Note: For this route, the URL parameter <WORKING_TEAM_ID> MUST match the x-team-id header.



Query Parameters


Data Parameters


Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json
x-access-token: <YOUR_TOKEN>
x-team-id: <WORKING_TEAM_ID>

Success Response

  • Code: 200 OK
  • Headers:
    Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json
  • Content:
"data": {
"teamId": "5ea96707dd4089351817c0dd",
"teamOem": "zerolight",
"teamName": "ZeroLight PreLive",
"cars": [
"uid": "pagani%20huayra%202015/zerolight_prelive/zerolight%2Fprelive/",
"manufacturer": "pagani",
"model": "huayra",
"year": "2015",
"name": "pagani huayra 2015",
"displayName": "pagani huayra"

Order Creation





Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json
x-access-token: <YOUR_TOKEN>
x-team-id: <WORKING_TEAM_ID>
Query Parameters


Data Parameters

The following parameters can be defined in the data request object.

typestringOrder type (see Order Types)true
carstringAsset UID string – representing manufacturer, model & yeartrue
prcodesstringComma separated string. shortcode is ignored if this field is providedfalse
shortcodestringMust be provided if prcodes field is omitted.false
callbackstring | ObjectSee section regarding Order Callbacksfalse
. . ....Additional parameters may be required depending on the specified typefalse
Example call using JavaScript
const response = await fetch('', {
method: 'POST',
headers: new Headers({
'Content-Type': 'application/vnd.api+json',
'x-access-token': '<YOUR_TOKEN>',
'x-team-id': '<WORKING_TEAM_ID>',
credentials: 'include',
body: JSON.stringify({
data: {
type: 'frame_pack',
car: 'volkswagen%20golf_mp1%202024',
template: 'frame-pack-volkswagen-golf_mp1-2024-pilot',

// if request was unsuccessful
if (response.body.errors) {
// parse errors
}; // '5af2f55e8c38f758afef6ef7'

Example Success Response

  • Code: 202 Accepted
  • Headers:
    Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json
  • Content:
"data": {
"id": "5c6acb07ec045209437f1f01",
"items": [],
"status": "pending",
"timestamp": "2019-02-18T15:11:03.591Z",
"transaction": "5c6acb07ec045209437f1f02"

A successful response returns a 202 Accepted HTTP status not 200, this is because the order has been accepted for processing but doesn't instantly complete.

Example Error Response

If, for example, car is not provided:

  • Code: 400 Bad Request
  • Headers:
    Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json
  • Content:
"errors": [
"title": "Car is invalid",
"detail": "Invalid property 'car' (string) is required, got 'undefined'",
"id": "7fe691b0-5838-11e8-a129-db216eb107b5"

Order Types

Generate packs of predefined images to support your brand.

Data Parameters

ParameterType / ValueDescriptionRequired
typeframe_packOrder typetrue
carstringAsset UID string – representing manufacturer, model & yeartrue
prcodesstringComma separated string. shortcode is ignored if this field is providedfalse
shortcodestringMust be provided if prcodes field is omitted.false
templatestringTemplate UIDtrue

Web (type=microsite)

Generate a personalised microsite for your customers from a pre-defined template

Data Parameters

ParameterType / ValueDescriptionRequired
typemicrositeOrder typetrue
carstringAsset UID string – representing manufacturer, model & yeartrue
prcodesstringComma separated string. shortcode is ignored if this field is providedfalse
shortcodestringMust be provided if prcodes field is omitted.false
templatestringTemplate UIDtrue
parametersArrayList of template mapping objects, see Customising Templatesfalse

Video (type=bespoke_video)

Generate a video based on a pre-defined sequence template created in the 'Take' application.

Data Parameters

ParameterType / ValueDescriptionRequired
typebespoke_videoOrder typetrue
carstringAsset UID string – representing manufacturer, model & yeartrue
prcodesstringComma separated string. shortcode is ignored if this field is providedfalse
shortcodestringMust be provided if prcodes field is omitted.false
templatestringTemplate UIDtrue

Brochure (type=brochure)

Generate high quality personalised PDFs for customers

Data Parameters

ParameterType / ValueDescriptionRequired
typebrochureOrder typetrue
carstringAsset UID string – representing manufacturer, model & yeartrue
prcodesstringComma separated string. shortcode is ignored if this field is providedfalse
shortcodestringMust be provided if prcodes field is omitted.false
templatestringTemplate UIDtrue
renderQualityPresetstring enumOutput quality, ['low', 'medium', 'high']false
parametersArrayList of template mapping objects, see Customising Templatesfalse
Render Quality Presets

The renderQualityPreset property defines the PPI of the output, it defaults to low.

The presets are as follows:

low96Default, web quality, jpg
medium150Medium quality, jpg
high300Print quality, png, ray traced reflections

AR Model (type=bespoke_ar)

Generate a digital twin of your asset for use in AR experiences

Data Parameters

ParameterType / ValueDescriptionRequired
typebespoke_arOrder typetrue
carstringAsset UID string – representing manufacturer, model & yeartrue
prcodesstringComma separated string. shortcode is ignored if this field is providedfalse
shortcodestringMust be provided if prcodes field is omitted.false
outputFormatstringOne of two file types (glb or usdz)true
targetFileSizeMBnumberA number 1-50 representing MBfalse

Order Callbacks (Webhooks)

It is possible to request that a webhook is hit on completion (success, failure, cancellation) of your order-request. This method of notification is preferred over polling the order status endpoint.

The callback entry is either a string or an Object. Specifying a string is the shortcut to use a simple GET request callback with no headers. The advanced method using an Object it is possible to specify either GET or POST https verbs, up to 5 headers and 2048 bytes of body data are permitted. The body data may be specified as a raw string or as an Object. The system will add an application/json content header if a body Object is specified.

The values for orderId and status are replaceable using template string syntax ("${orderId}" and "${status}"). These values are replaceable in the uri, and header and body values only (not keys). For security, no additional data is passed to the callback. Once the callback has been received the integration can query the SpotLight API with their authentication credentials to receive the full data for the completed order.

It is the integrator's responsibility to ensure the validity of the callback. And that the callback has not been spoofed from elsewhere on the internet. This can be achieved by passing and verifying a secret token used only for this purpose (the orderId is not sufficient on its own)

SpotLight will attempt to hit the callback one time only. It will log the status of the callback request into its logging system for debugging purposes.


In the following simple example the callback is a GET request with the secret and orderId in the uri.

"data": {
"type": "frame_pack",
"car": "volkswagen%20golf_mp1%202024",
"template": "frame-pack-volkswagen-golf_mp1-2024-pilot",
"callback": "${orderId}?secret=abcd1234abcd1234"

In the following advanced example the callback is a POST request with a secret token in the header and both the orderId and status in the body.

"data": {
"type": "frame_pack",
"car": "volkswagen%20golf_mp1%202024",
"template": "frame-pack-volkswagen-golf_mp1-2024-pilot",
"callback": {
"uri": "",
"method": "POST",
"headers": {
"x-secret": "abcd1234abcd1234"
"body": {
"orderId": "${orderId}",
"status": "${status}"